A few days ago I dyed my hair for the first time using
Palty Caramel Brown. It's a good quality, easy to use hairdye that doesn't feel too damaging to the hair and I would definitely use it again! Unfortunately, my noob skills and impatience at applying the dye evenly made one side slightly lighter than the other LOL and other areas kinda uneven in colour but it's barely noticeable since the colour isn't too light. I might redye soon to correct this ><
Here are some 'after' photos. Apologies for the makeup less face, but I guess my formal pics will compensate for it since I was caked in makeup :P

I left the dye in for 45 minutes and it wasnt too uncomfortable, it got itchy sometimes but I just distracted myself by going on tumblr ^^
So if you're dying your hair for the first time by yourself, I HIGHLY recommend getting a friend or a family member help you. It's really hard to reach some areas of the back and see if its applied properly!
Formal pics ^^ It was quite fun, I love seeing everyone dolled up and looking gorgeous :) Though my poor feet died at the end as a result of dancing for hours in my 10cm heels- a very painful experience! Beforehand, I went to Cabramatta to get my hair and makeup done, it took 2 hours! At first I thought the makeup looked wayyy too heavy, and it was in real life, but it turns out nicely in photos ^^ And the guy used so much hairspray on my hair that I needed three doses of conditioner to make my hair soft again haha.

(I'm the one in the black, strapless dress)
On Wednesday, there was a graduation cruise party at Darling Harbour. The night was okay, but if definitely woulda helped if I had some drinks beforehand xp. One thing that peeved me was charging everyone an extra $4 before boarding (like wtf, last minute ripoff) and paying more than necessary to keep our bags for safekeeping. The bags were basically just dumped behind a table -.-. But overall, it was really fun getting ready and hanging out with my friends ^^

I've barely slept in my bed all week, been sleeping over at friends cos it was too dangerous to catch public transport so late at night. I have another sleepover on Saturday to celebrate my friend's birthday, which I really hope I can go to.. but my mum's not too happy with me at the moment. >:/